Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Harvest by G.E.Birch

Are you ever in a mushy mood, like on a rainy Sunday afternoon, feeling sorry for yourself because the weekend is almost over and another workweek is looming ahead? What will make you feel better - a cup of tea, a hot shower … well, if you have a soft spot for a heartfelt romance like I do, maybe “The Harvest” will.

I can’t really tell you much about the storyline as it's almost pure and simple: the story of how to women meet and strike up a friendship that leads to so much more. There is no drama, no complex plot to follow or thorny road to walk for the characters or you. It’s really just a sweet love story, moving slowly along, with a slight bump on the road that makes you read faster, just to make sure that this is a “classic” romance, with a happy ending.

So how do I know that you will like the story – well, I don’t – I just know that I did, and if you are anything like the romance freak I am, then I’m positive that you will find this worth your while.

The setting is what I would define as all American, as in Illinois way out in the countryside where the farmers – including Elise - grow the crops that keep us fed. Carolyn is the out lesbian from Chicago that strikes up a friendship with Elise, while spending her summer on the neighbouring farm. The supporting cast of friends and family are there, but not very dominant in the storyline, they are all a nice and accepting bunch. The story has a few smaller mishaps in timing, editing and such, but nothing that really takes away the joy of reading it.

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